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WWF-Україна шукає Комунікаційника/ Комунікаційницю напряму "Ліси"

Шукаємо нового учасника нашої панда-команди, а саме – комунікаційника/комунікаційницю напряму "Ліси".
Робочі мови: англійська та українська.
Дедлайн для подачі заявок: 30 вересня 2023 року
Заявки будуть розглядатись по мірі їх надходження. Деталі вакансії — нижче

Forest Communications Officer

WWF is the world's largest conservation organization, founded in 1961. We’re active in over 100 countries and have over 8000 employees. WWF Central and Eastern Europe is responsible for leading and to a significant extent implementing WWF’s efforts to preserve, restore and sustainably manage the natural values of the Danube-Carpathian ecoregion, which we also call the Green Heart of Europe. With a team of nearly 200 highly specialised professionals, we are working across political borders through an ecoregional approach based on model projects, influencing policy, networking, capacity building, communication and crisis response.

WWF Ukraine is seeking to recruit a Forest Communication Officer to join the Forest team.

The Forest Communications Officer will be responsible for enhancing and contributing to the communication activities mainly within forest topics. The Officer will ensure communication within all the projects that lay under Forest Practice in Ukraine.

І. Major Duties and Responsibilities

Strategy level
  • Providing communication activities that enable effective achievement of Conservation goals. Allowing to engage stakeholders and wider public to problem-solving together with WWF.
  • Developing and implementing an optimal communication action plan for the Forest practice. It should meet the needs of the projects within the Practice and be aligned with general communications of WWF internationally and in Ukraine. 
  • Ensuring a clear and cohesive message and image of the Forest protection activity in Ukraine.
  • Ensuring that Communication activities are aligned with Conservation, Fundraising and Policy work and enhance them.
Action level
  • Developing and supporting national, regional and local communications campaigns.
  • PR responsibilities at local and regional levels, including organising various types of events and collaborations, conducting needed communication research.
  • Study (through stakeholder analysis) and widening the circle of impactful partners from various sectors, including business, professional, and state bodies. social groups and communities that can enhance WWF’s forest work and goals in Ukraine. Setting up clear and long-term relations with them.
  • Ensuring and maintaining long-term relationships with local media: through releases, formal and informal meetings with the press, including media trips
  • Supporting constant flow of information (in the format of articles, news, interviews, presentations, various project publications, basic posts) from the Forest practice to owned channels (website, social media, mailings), press and partners.
  • Interacting with international projects teams and implementation of the projects’ communications components in Ukraine. 
  • Developing concepts and content for communication activities and materials, including for print and digital, such as posters, factsheets, booklets for different target groups, information boards, expert hubs, reports etc.
  • Working on communication and fundraising components of the new projects together with Conservation and other teams.
  • Supporting general organisational communication by investing to such products as newsletters, press teasers, major events or campaigns.

Systems level
  • Systematic approach to organising working files within a clear and logical system
  • Long-term planning culture and regular integration sessions with other functions, especially Conservation team
  • Planning on communications budget together with Forest and Communication heads
  • Maintaining archives, collection of clippings and communication reporting
  • Management and control of communication contractors such as advertising agencies, publishing houses etc

ІІ. Competencies, skills, professional expertise
  •  Adheres to the WWF mission
  • Knowledge: Advanced qualifications or university degree in PR/communication/marketing with at least 2 – 3 years of communication/marketing experience. The Communication Officer should have good knowledge of communication, PR and marketing and preferably have an understanding of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development issues particularly with regard to Ukraine.
  • Experience: Proven experience in PR, communication/marketing, partnership development and public engagement.
  • Skills and Abilities: Project Management, Networking, diplomatic and cultural skills to work with a broad array of individuals from a variety of backgrounds. Excellent oral and written communications skills in both English and Ukrainian. Proven ability to communicate and promote activities through different channels including social networks. Skills in campaigning. Skills in the development of visual content would be a plus.

ІІІ. We offer:
  • the opportunity to make a difference – for the CEE region and for WWF Ukraine
  • challenging and fulfilling work in one of Europe’s most exciting eco-regions
  • friendly and highly professional working atmosphere in an international context
  • varying tasks and independent work style
  • a pleasant working atmosphere and great learning environment
  • a salary according to NGO standards
  • possibility to work from home or remotely during wartime, flexibility
  • social package

If you are interested in joining our team, send your CV and cover (motivation) letter (in English) with reference Forest Communication Officer at hr@wwf.ua no later than 8 January 2023. Please understand that we can only reply to short-listed candidates.

For more information about WWF-Ukraine, kindly check the website or Facebook.

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